Cindy and a cousin saw "Yard Trees" on a trip to Nashville, In.. They were priced around $100.00 at that time...They decided to make one...of course when we saw it we began talking about each making our own...While in Texas Cindy ran across a great buy on glass beads and purchased them...She divided these up and brought them to Kathy's for our monthly "Fun Meter Fill Up Meeting".
I would like to introduce our very own "Yard Tree Hero"...Pictured with his version of our "Yard Trees" is Jody's husband Bill... He always has a smile for us and a willing hand..We would need our trees to wrap the beads....So Kent, Cindy's husband cut the copper pipe for them. Cindy then took these to Bill who had made the tree branches and soldered them together for us... Bill and Kent had ready us with one for Jody, Kathy, Cindy, Rhona and Sherry...I had decided not to make one then....:0(
Jody giving instructions on how to create the trees..
The girls working on theirs.Jody giving instructions on how to create the trees..
The finished tree....all day I sat there thinking wish I hadn't passed....I wanted a tree...well was I ever please when I found out they wanted more...orders place...Kent back to cutting copper poles and Bill back in his work shop making 10 tops ready for us to bead...and yes I am getting one this time...We are truly blessed women to have such wonderful men in our lives...The Ol'Blogger
In the morn'in
In the even'en
ain't we got fun!
can't wait until our NEXT fun meter day!
Talented, a fun loving group and great girl have it all....Sally, Saint Louis,MO.
Bill and Kent truly are our hero. Thank you. Sherry
And you can barely tell where we impaled our water line....hehehehehe!!!! Just kidding....
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