Friday, April 24, 2009

"Bluebird in Funky Baltimore"

This was Kathy's entry into the Hoffman Challenge in 2006. It's titled "Bluebird in Funky Baltimore", since it's done in the Baltimore Album style of the Mid 1850's. The originals were done mostly in red, white and greens, but as you can see, she used much brighter colors. To speed up the construction, Kathy fused the pieces, but did buttonhole around each piece with a single strand of embroidery floss. The border used baby ric rac, that she hand dyed to get the shade of green she wanted. It is hand quilted. Kathy was honored to win the Curators Choice Award with this piece and received a huge stack of Hoffman batiks as her prize....They were tied with a speciel ribbon, and she didn't have the heart to untie it for the longest time; she just enjoyed the beautiful gift!!!

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