Saturday, December 27, 2008

Living My Calling

Our own dear Tony (pictured above) posted a comment on the posting "Winter Slump/ Magical Season". He was paying me a compliment and I definably took it that way...I puffed up like a toad frog. giggle giggle...Again Tony, thank you made my day.I love praise... shamelessly I admit it.:0)
An acquaintance of ours passed away yesterday quite suddenly. In contemplating that we never know when our time may come and about missing ones calling..I have something I would like to share.
After living 62 years, there are many people and circumstances which have molded and made who I am today. Of course first would be my sisters and brothers. The love and sorrows that came with living and growing up. Most important would be my husband, Harold, who has always accepted me as me, encouraged me in more ways than I can count. Taught me what "love unconditionally" means...My children whom I grew up with..and who may watch me become a child again. God love their hearts.:0)
Next would be friends...old and new...For now I am going to speak of the SoTA Sister...who have encourage me in all creativity in the last 8 plus years..The quilting, clay dolls, cloth dolls, purses, cloth books, beading and especially the blog. Has been through their encouragement and teaching...the patience they have shown me would put my school teachers to shame.... Taking me on travels, that at one time I never would have gone. There is all today's technology, sewing tools which are extraordinary... which they have taught me how to use it......Then with the computer with all the information one could ever dream...I do need help when putting words together :0)... Rhona, is always willing to answer my questions and help me learn ways to use it to its fullest.
I truly don't mean this as braggadocio for me but for all who have shared this life with me...I like who I have become and am going to be...thanks to you all...I am living my calling....
The Ol' Blogger


SoTA said...

Who is that old geezer?
Always eating!


SoTA said...

Girls, I thought it was our charming company that Tony always enjoyed when Rhona's sewing day came round...but it may be the food...:0)
The Ol' Blogger

Anonymous said...

Cute legs for an old geezer.