Friday, November 14, 2008

Used Needle Case



Most tools originate from clever, creative individuals who saw a problem and took the time to fix it.. Husqvarna Education Creative Coordinator Marie, came up with this Needle Keeper...
With sewing machine needles being the most changeable part of our sewing machine and they can change how our machine forms stitches..... The problem was always changing needles what to do with them till needed again.. Putting them back in the case left you not knowing which were used and which were new....Thank you Marie.... Sherry and I put our embroidery machines to work and made the above fabric books for our used sewing machine needles. Sherry made a few changes....Each page has the name of the needles (ie: universal, stretch, etc. ) and all sizes related... 60/80 100/16 get the idea...When you have used a needle for a short while one can place it on the page and in the size for that needle....When you need it once more there it is. All labeled and ready to go again.. Grandma would be so pleased with the tools we have today...
The Ol' Blogger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are so clever, I want to make one, too!!!