Thursday, October 9, 2008

Green and Purple Haze

Kathy wasn't able to join us on this trip...she had to work. But her 2007 Hoffman Challenge Quilt was. After having traveling around the United States for a year and getting home in Sept. Kathy was gracious enough to allow Cindy to take it on another trip to share with others. Another Cathy, held up "Green and Purple Haze" while Cindy told the story of this quilt. Vesta Lou and Sherri are looking on. The picture doesn't do it justice I am sorry to say. But by clicking to enlarge one can get a little better look.

I might add that this quilt, our group quilt and a purse (that Cindy entered) are all back home and are on display (and for sale) at "The Twelve Months of Christmas Shoppe". This darling little shoppe is on the town square of Bedford, Indiana. If in the area drop in. The store is absolutely beautiful...Pat has truly out done herself in getting the store ready for the season. Love The Ol' Blogger

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