Tuesday, April 20, 2010

International Quilt Festival Chicago - Day 4

Breakfast at Eli's Cheesecake Factory and we head for Indiana.
On our first stop at Albanese Candy Factory, we promised Amy a piece of chocolate cheesecake -
and we delivered!!!!
As we left town, we picked up a little lunch to tide us over till we got back home.

And another memorable Quilt Festival Chicago is now history.

On our first stop at Albanese Candy Factory, we promosed Amy we'd bring her a piece of chocolate cheesecake


Anonymous said...

Thank You for the postings...as I was typing this I realized I am sitting here smiling...I am so glad you girls didn't go hungry..giggle The Ol'Blogger

Anonymous said...

Rhona, That's perfect, I'm still laughing!!! K.

Mchicago said...

Thanks for visiting Eli's Cheesecake and for being a Fan.

Marc Schulman
Eli's President

Anonymous said...

Great job Rhona! It all makes me smile again - what fun we all had - looks like we ate enough food for all 6 of us!!
Wow - we even got a comment from Marc Schulman - how exciting is that??? C