Monday, September 15, 2008

Several years ago a friend of mine bought an Amish Bonnet and Amish Man Hat. She wanted me to make her American homemade Amish dolls. While redoing my sewing room last month I found the hats, oops. She has a birthday this Thursday...So I decided to go for it...After working with her for the last 24 hours...I now know why she should have bought a China made one or had the Amish make her one. Such tiny seams!!! I don't think the pattern was meant to be reduce this much.. But once she was all sewn, I had fun playing with her. I dug in the sack of stuff I had..that Harold has wondered why I was keeping all that trash...Someone else trash, my treasures.:<) She was fun adding the details for her. I made a stand and hid it with all the pieces of leaves and broken flowers. Found a garden hole and a basket...There she is, hand reaching out to give one a basket of flowers.

But I think she will have to wait till next years birthday for the man..hehehe The Ol' Blogger

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