Friday, September 12, 2008

Fun Meter Fill Up For Sept

I have learned some neat things about the computer this I will be adding color, and using some of what I have learned...The Ol' Blogger is growing..
What can I say....our Fun Meter run-nth over. First we would have been greeted by this lovely door hanging....had we not gone in through the garage due to rain :0) One can enlarge and get the full effect. Tony ( is a sweetheart) while on a shopping trip with his darling wife Rhona, he saw and bought this to greet us..He calls us the Stitchin Witches...Which is all in fun.. How great to have the men in our life think about us even when we are not all together... We are truly Loved..
He helped us carry all our supplies, goodies in and out.... Carried them downstairs for the older ones, brought us ice. Listen for the timer from the tell us when the chicken pot pie was done. Sent us home with a watermelon...Which Harold ( my loving husband) said to tell you thanks and it was the best he has had in a long time.... Tony was truly helpful. Thank you!! You made our day even more special!
I have much to share but for today I am only going to share the food.... Around the stitching tables we had two different dips and chips... One from Rhona and the other from Jody, girls, please, one of you help me out and post a comment with the names of these...I was to busy eating to pay attention when the names of these was spoken... Kathy made Fudge.... Which we ate our fair share of.....For lunch Rhona had prepared a Chicken Pot Pie that was delicious, I brought cornbread salad (Yes Harold, made the cornbread), we had fruit, watermelon grown by Tony and Rhona, an apple pie made by Cindy with apples from her own trees, yummy..
In the favorite words of our Kathy.. (we are amazed by her brain) " And A Good Time Was Had By All."
Love to all, The Ol' Blogger

1 comment:

SoTA said...

The dip Jody brought was "Texas Caviar...yummy