Friday, September 2, 2011

I.U. Transplant Quilts..

 These are in the process of become lap quilts for I.U. Transplant Ward in Indianapolis. Kathy has been reorganizing her sewing studio and she found this half finished project so she added some borders and is finishing it..   
 This quilt is with a fabric she had purchased many years back..She had never found a home for adding some others she created this beauty to be a lap quilt.
Another one in the making stages...These pictures just do not do them justices..They are breath taking in real time.. When sandwiched together and quilted all three will be on their way to touch a life, from Kathy. 


Anonymous said...

I love our blog and everything about us.
When I need a quick "fix" this is
where I come.
Thank you "Blogger" for your great
work, love you.
The Elder

Sprite119 said...

I'm a nurse on this unit and I have seen first hand the effects of these quilts. I have seen it comfort a grieving mother. She cherished the quilt and it is a little memory of her last months with her son. I remember seeing her with it on her lap during visits. I was amazed and touched by this. Kathy's quilts do truly touch a life.