Monday, August 29, 2011

Bet they weren't made in China !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Just two cute, I can't wait till tomorrow to put these on the blog. I have to go to sleep earlier tonight as tomorrow is "Summer Studio Day", so I can get up on time.. So here they are... Cindy sent me these pictures tonight..
   She said and I quote..."I have been wanting to recover my 1960's card table and chairs for over two years.
    I FINALLY got that accomplished. The fabrics were pieced together, then I used fusible vinyl by heat & bond to cover the fabric.
    The frames were all painted black (they had been a brownish color that had become very scratched over the years.) Then the fabric was stretched over the bottoms, backs of chairs and table top.

These chairs and table were my Mom's- still have the Samsonite tags on them-the chairs were $8.98 each... wow that seems a little expensive for the 60's. But they are much more than that now.

I am sooooo enjoying getting some of the major projects done!!!!".
Told by Cindy, typed by The Ol' Blogger

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