Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beauiful, Perfect Sleep

This was one of "The Elder's show and tell she shared with us, Chocolate Night September 20,2013.
Tucked back in her bedroom, for one to see before closing eyes. Sure to bring peacefully sleep and calming dreams. The brain does not quit working, even while we're sleeping-it just work on a different level. In the sleep mode, the brain works out problems and makes new connections that it is too distracted and busy to do in the waking state. To protect and encourage this peaceful sleep, we're constantly making choices. What a wonderful choice Jody made when she decided to make these dolls, arrange them to close her eyes for the day. Allowing her brain a peaceful sleep to work from. Beautiful, perfect sleep. The O' Blogger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these dolls are beautiful - our Elder has done another wonderful sculpture - so glad to be associated with such wonderful artistic women!