She is named Little Sparrow which is one of Phil's nick names for Sylvia. Sparrow is dressed in pink (Sylvia's favorite color) with a sparrow perched in her hair. Adored in lots of tulle and pink fabrics..intertwined in the skirt is the shelve edge of one of Phil's line of fabric with the words "Indiana Harvest by Phil Beaver for Free Spirit..Free Spirit is the manufacturer.. Her braclet has a book attached which tells her story related by Jody...The Elder did great, this is one of those pictures you need to enlarge to see all the details she put into her.
Pictured her, Sylvia dressed in pink with Sparrow...Her eyes speak volumes about her delight with this special gift made from love just for her... The Ol'Blogger
P.S. While cleaning my files I just found this picture we had taken at Cindy's..So am adding it now..
Phil Beaver, Jim Stickler, Jody